For small businesses and non-profit organizations.

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Author: Susan O'Handley

Day 6

Are you posting regularly to your social channels? You work hard to build your audience – make sure you talk to them!

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Day 5

When is the last time you looked at and updated your Google Business listing? There are more opportunities here all the time – put it

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Day 4

Are your web pages formatted with the appropriate content for search engines? Do you have user-friendly links for each page? This is a good place

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Day 3

Happy Monday! I’m a big fan of working it backwards. What needs to be done by when – and of course what needs to happen

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Day 2

When is the last time you went through your website? Are there things that need updates? Is your design outdated? Start your to-do list today

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Day 1

Do you know your ideal customer/client? If not, it’s a great exercise to help you focus your marketing to the right people.

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