For small businesses and non-profit organizations.

Business Marketing Services
FAST • Efficient • Professional

Get it Done in a Day!

Are you so busy running your business or non-profit that you don’t have time to market it?

Now Scheduling
1-Day Digital Marketing Service Intensives

A One Day Digital Marketing Service Intensive includes project preparation materials, a kickoff-call/strategy session , a full day of time dedicated to your project and follow-up support. 

A 50% deposit of $875 is required at the time of booking. 

One-Day Digital Marketing Services

Small business owners and non-profit administrators are the busiest people I know.  You wear so many hats!  In any given day you might be involved with customer relations, human resources, budgets and inventory management, staff training, analyzing finances, product/program development, and more.  We all know that marketing is critical for business success, but for many small business owners it falls to the bottom of the list of priorities.  

If you’ve got a list of marketing objectives and goals that have been piling up because you don’t have time (because you are busy running your business/organization), then a 1-Day Intensive might be just the thing to help you get things done.  

  • Is your website in dire need of a design refresh? 
  • Do you have a punch list of marketing tasks you just haven’t been able to get to?  
  • Are you stuck on what to do for your Social Media content?
  •  Do you need help with setting up Google or Facebook ads?

Imagine being able to cross these things off your list and ‘Get it Done in a Day’! These things don’t have to take weeks or even months to accomplish, but they do take time and expertise.  So relax, and focus on running your business. Let us do the heavy lifting for your marketing with dedicated, undivided, and focused attention for your project with a 1-Day Digital Marketing Service Intensive!  

1-Day Intensive

There are many ways we can help you accomplish your goals! We offer experience and expertise in all aspects of digital marketing including your online presence (web, social, listings), your communications and content (social, web, email, text, media), and your advertising (branded graphics, print and digital ads). Each of the options below are examples of a 1-Day Intensive Project.  We can also take care of your punch list (all those little things that have been adding up on your to-do list).  

Book a 1-Day Intensive to get started, or Book a Discovery Call to learn more!

Your Print Design Project

We work with InDesign and Canva to create books and publications, brochures, newsletters and template files for whatever you are looking to produce! We work with printers we know for very competitive pricing options without any markup.

Web Design Refresh

We give your outdated website a brand new look using WordPress and the Elementor Pro Page Builder*.  Available for informational websites of approximately five pages.

*These are our preferred platforms, but clients can choose Squarespace, Wix, Dudamobile or others if they like. 

Custom Plan Marketing

We review your full year of activities and create a plan for all your marketing tasks, along with a timeline of what needs to happen when, and a list of to-do’s.  Use a 3rd Party Platform to internally assign, review and approve content, share ideas and assets and more. 

PLEASE NOTE:  1-Day Intensive Services guarantee our time, expertise and dedicated work on your project for one business day, not necessarily any deliverables.   

That being said, our experience and expertise allows us to work efficiently so that we can achieve our goals during our day.  What we are able to accomplish often depends on our clients completing the prep work prior to their Intensive Day as well as prompt and effective communications on our Intensive work date.  Please keep those things in mind as you move forward to maximize our results together.

What People Are Saying about their 1-day Intensive

We began offering our 1-Day Intensive services in October of 2022 with beta test clients so that we could begin to refine our processes and systems for our official offer, and we have received some wonderful feedback already!  

We look forward to adding YOUR testimonial to this section as we move forward!  

A Few Examples of OurWork

Available Dates




•  Collaborative project preparation materials using a shared google drive folder specific to your project. 

•  45-60 minute project kick-off call/strategy session where we review all of the applicable materials and make sure we have everything we need to move forward on the day of your Intensive.

•  7 to 8-hour intensive work day session on your Intensive Date.  Clients must be available in real-time for questions and communications throughout the Intensive Day. We use Facebook Messenger as our primary chat tool, but we can also accommodate Slack users as well upon request.

•  30 days of follow-up support to answer questions and provide additional guidance for the project.  

How it Works

Book your date on our calendar to schedule your Intensive (requires a 50% deposit).  Intensive Dates need to be at least 2 weeks out from the time of booking.  

You will be prompted to also schedule your Intensive Kick-off Call date at this time.  The kick-off call should be about 3-5 days prior to the intensive.  This call provides us the opportunity to review your materials together to determine if there is any additional final information required in order to maximize our work time on the date of your intensive.  

Within 24 hours of booking, you will receive an email with a link to your shared folder which contains materials for you to review and complete in advance of our Intensive Date.  Your work in preparation is a critical part of this process and allows us to maximize our time on the date of the Intensive. This work should be completed or mostly completed by the time of our Kick-off Call.  

On our scheduled Intensive Date, we will check in with you via Facebook Messenger when we are getting ready to start your day (typically between 8:30 and 9am).  All our communications are turned off completely on our end (no text, email or phone interruptions or notifications) with the exception of Messenger chat with you.  This allows us to be 100% distraction free while working with our focus ONLY on your project.  Typically we will work through the morning and then check in close to noon unless there are questions that need to be answered in the early stages.  It is vital to the process and the schedule for the client to be available so that information or assets can be shared quickly and questions answered in real time.  Depending on the project, we might connect for a review of draft materials or to provide a progress report.  Feedback in the draft stage helps to make sure we are on the right track with your goals and assures a successful outcome at the end of our day. 

Final payment (50% balance) is required at any time during the Intensive date. 

For 30 days following your Intensive date, we will be available for additional support, questions and guidance (short how-to’s, or small fixes that might be required).    


Frequently Asked Questions

There are instances where one day is simply not enough time to complete a project.  Sometimes we will be aware of additional time requirements either upon initial conversations, a first review of materials or at the time of our Kick-off Call; other times we won’t know until we are in the home stretch of the Intensive Day.  A second full day can be scheduled if needed. Existing Intensive day clients also have the option to schedule for an additional half day as needed.

Prep materials are likely the most critical part of the 1-Day Intensive process.  It allows us to review information that is vital to planning the work that needs to be done.  Without that material completed (as fully as possible), we may not be able to do the work required on the Intensive date.  The client may need to reschedule their date a bit further out in order to provide that necessary information.

The 50% deposit for a 1-Day Intensive must be made at the time of booking through a credit card.  If you prefer to pay the final balance by check, it must be received by the date of the intensive.  It will be held for deposit until the day following.

Clients receive all deliverables produced during our 1-Day Intensive work session by the following day.  It is important to remember, however that booking the intensive is hiring us for our time, expertise and focused work, and not necessarily for any specific set of deliverables.  Any items produced through the work session become property of the client after the 1-Day Intensive.

Are you ready to get your project done without the wait?
We're ready if you are!

If you’re still not quite sure, you can book a 20-minute Discovery Call so that we can determine if a 1-Day Intensive is a good fit for you.

About Me

A work/life biography about Susan O'Handley, Central NY Mobile Marketing.